Dr. Nadine Knab representing BMI at the Annual Conference of the British Society of Social Psychology

Dr. Nadine Knab representing BMI at the Annual Conference of the British Society of Social Psychology in London

Sep 7, 2022

Post doc Fellow Nadine Knab presented a talk in a symposium at the Annual Conference of the British Society of Social Psychology in London (5th-7th September 2022) which focused on Innovations and impact in addressing global challenges. The symposium was titled ״When Social Identities Face Contemporary Challenges: Implications for Intergroup Relations״ – including studies from a wide range of intergroup relations from Northern Ireland, to Germany and Israel. In her talk titled “Helping Disadvantaged Groups – How Norms and Threat Perceptions Can Lead to Social Inequality” Nadine presented two studies showing that there are psychological factors influencing action tendencies from host-society members towards refugees that could – in the long run – maintain social inequality.