A New World Order
Jan 25-26, 2023

Photo: Facebook Sciences Po
After recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, the world plunged into one of its darkest moments in modern history unveiling some fundamental challenges within the political, economic, and social tissues of our society. The war has demonstrated multiple faults of the existing systems of governance, on both the national and international levels.
The Sciences Po – Tel Aviv University conference aims to explore facets of this frightening reality to see if we can come up with some strategic responses to these global challenges. Ignoring such challenges would lead to catastrophic consequences for humanity as such. Developing new institutional solutions and reorganization of existing ones is vital towards creating a common global eco system for humanity for the future.
We focus on four topics as cornerstones for the conference. The first two focus on the heart of the problem while the two others explore where answers might be coming from. Two hot beds of conflict are the war in Ukraine and in the Middle East. We propose to summon the best minds in the world to look at these two conflicts and rethink whether there is any chance of finding some light in the middle of these dark and long-lasting conflicts. The other two panels will look into what may change things around. There too, we bring together the most renowned experts to explore the options. The first panel will focus on political and economic institutions: to what extent the existing institutions are really failing us, how, why and what could we propose as optional remedies.
The last panel focuses on digital governance in general and cyber governance, in particular. We believe that future institutions will be mostly digital or, at very least, rely heavily on digital mechanisms to govern. The most obvious example with which we have accumulated a significant amount of experience and knowledge is the cyber world, an arena that is mostly governed by digital structures of governance. We summon the top global experts on cyber governance to enlighten us as to what their experience in structuring the cyber world tells us about artificial intelligence and other mechanisms of digital governance. The challenges they face and the extent to which they can solve any of the generic problems that characterize our traditional forms of governance.
Wednesday, 25.01.2023
Live Stream on YouTube
16:00 – Gathering and mingling in a side room of the Amphi
17:00 – Opening Statements:
Mathias Vicherat, President, Sciences Po
Prof. Milette Shamir, Vice President of Tel Aviv University for International Affairs
Dr. Boris Mints, President of BMI
17:30 -19:00
Prof. Paul Romer, New York University, Nobel Laureate 2018, Former Chief Economist of the World Bank: “Norms for a New World Order?”
Thursday, 26.01.2023
Morning Session – link to register to the webinar
10:00-11:30 The Middle East in a Contemporary Global Perspective
Moderator: Francois Heilbronn, Adjunct Professor, Sciences Po
Ambassador Gerard Araud, School of Public Affairs, Sciences Po, former Ambassador of France to the UN, the US, and Israel
Prof. Alain Dieckhoff, Director, Center for International Studies (CERI), Sciences Po
Prof. Laurence Louër, Sciences Po
Dr. Sami Miaari, Department of Labor Studies, Tel-Aviv University
Ambassador Prof. Itamar Rabinovich, Former Ambassador of Israel to USA and President Emeritus of Tel-Aviv University
11:45 – 13:15 The Aftermath of The War in Ukraine
Moderator: Prof. Sergei Guriev, Provost, Sciences Po
Dr. Igor Luksic, UDG, Former Prime Minister of Montenegro
Prof. Marie Mendras, CERI, Sciences Po
Prof. Moritz Schularick, Department of Economics, Sciences Po
Dr. Charles Tenenbaum, Tel Aviv University, Sciences Po Lille, and Sciences Po Paris
Afternoon Session – link to register to the webinar
14:15-15:45 The New Institutional Order
Moderator: Prof. Itai Sened, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Tel Aviv University
Arancha Gonzalez, Dean, Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po
Prof. Philippe Martin, Dean, School of Public Affairs, Sciences Po
Prof. Paul Romer, New York University, Nobel Laureate 2018, Former Chief Economist of the World Bank: “What can we do now?”
16:15-17:45 A Cyber World and the future of Digital Governance
Moderator: Constance de Leusse, Director, McCourt Institute
Prof. Itzhak Ben Israel, Head of the Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center at Tel Aviv University
Constance de Leusse, Director, McCourt Institute
Professor Eviatar Matania, Head of the MA Cyber Governance Program at Tel Aviv University
Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for the Social and Human Sciences, UNESCO
17:45-18:30 2022 BMI Prize Award & Closing Keynote: “The Shadow of the Future”
Prof. Robert M. Axelrod, University of Michigan, 2022 BMI Prize Laureate
18:30-18:45 Concluding Remarks:
Prof. Itamar Rabinovich, Founder and President of the Israel Institute; Former Ambassador of Israel to USA and President Emeritus of Tel-Aviv University
Prof. Sergei Guriev, Provost, Sciences Po, Paris