Israel after the Afghanistan Crisis:The New Geopolitics of the Middle East

Israel after the Afghanistan Crisis:The New Geopolitics of the Middle East

Oct 28, 2021

The Boris Mints Institute co-hosted a special webinar with NorthWestern University,
addressing the issues arising from the new situation in Afghanistan

Which of the regional and international powers will fill the vacuum created by the withdrawal of the US from Afghanistan? How would these changes affect Israel? Would the US debacle in Kabul encourage Iran to step up its efforts to enrich uranium to a higher level? Would Iran’s proxies Hezbollah and Hamas escalate the struggle against Israel? Does the long-term consequence of the United States’ withdrawal from Afghanistan indicate a global shift away from US involvement in Middle East affairs, including decreasing military presence and investment of financial resources? And would such a possible transition weaken U.S.-Israel relations, particularly considering the Iranian challenge, or instead would the US-Israel alliance be strengthened?