BMI’s 8th Annual Conference – Institutions, Society and Global Policy

BMI’s 8th Annual Conference – Institutions, Society and Global Policy

Tel-Aviv University, Green Naftali meeting room (Floor -1), Naftali Building
May 17th, 2023

BMI’s 8th Annual Research Conference will be held at Tel-Aviv University on May 17th, 2023

After recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, the world plunged into one of its darkest moments in modern history, unveiling fundamental challenges within our society’s political, economic, and social tissues. Moreover, the recent war in Ukraine has contributed to the instability of global systems since it has demonstrated multiple faults with the existing systems of governance, both at the national and international levels.

Annual conferences of BMI address the most urgent issues on a global scale, discussing and offering strategies for feasible policy solutions.

 In this year’s Conference, we will focus on the instability of institutions, the rise of the left wing in Europe, and the impact of European sanctions on Russia on the conflict in Ukraine. The conference will also feature presentations by BMI Fellows, who will present their research progress in the context of the event’s framework.




Please find the conference schedule:

10:15 – 12:15   BMI Research Symposium

Moderator: Professor Itai Sened, Dean of the G.H. Gordon Faculty of Social Sciences at TAU


  1. Community Currencies, Decentralization, and International Humanitarian Aid
    Eve Guterman,
    BMI Fellow, Department of Public Policy, TAU  Presentation (PDF) 
  2. Black and white differences in subjective survival expectations: An evaluation of competing mechanisms
    Shayna Bernstein
    , BMI Fellow, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, TAU  Presentation (PDF) 
  3. Help or no help? That’s not the only question – different types of helping towards refugees and disadvantaged groups and their relevance for social equality
    Nadine Knab,
    BMI Fellow, Department of Conflict Resolution, TAU
  4. Navigating through crises: Civil society organizations working with African asylum seekers in Israel
    Nora Meissner,
    BMI Fellow, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, TAU  Presentation (PDF) 
  5. Protracted Conflicts and their roots, an attempt at an interdisciplinary conflict typology
    Petr Pesov, BMI Fellow, Department of Conflict Resolution, TAU  Presentation (PDF) 

14:00 – 15:45   The Rise of The Extreme Right in Europe: A Panel Discussion

Prof. Itai Sened, Head of BMI; Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University

Prof. Daniella Giannetti, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna

Prof. Wolfgang C. Mueller, Institute of East European History, University of Vienna

Dr. Oren Danieli, & Dr. Roee Levy, School of Economics, Tel Aviv University

16:00 – 17:00 International Law in Current, Turbulent Times

Prof. Eyal Benvenishti, Whewell Professor of International law and the Director of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge

After Mythology: A Call to Rethink the Functions and Limits of International Organizations


Dr. Daphna Shraga, Former Principal Legal Officer at the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs, and currently Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University

Responsibility of the United Nations – Between Law and Politics


17:00   Closing Remarks: Prof. Itai Sened

A youtube stream link will be provided here shortly before the event.