Senior Fellows

Senior Fellows

The Boris Mints Institute supports groundbreaking research in a diverse range of sciences, through our research labs. We had the pleasure and honor of supporting the research projects of these young men and women, our Graduating Fellows

Dr. Oren Danieli


Dr. Danieli is an assistant professor at Tel Aviv University School of Economics, a visiting research scholar at the Industrial Relations Section at Princeton University, and a research affiliate at CEPR and IZA. He received his PhD in Business Economics from Harvard University. He works in Labor Economics, Econometrics, and Political Economy. His interests include income inequality, education, and populism.

Dr. Roee Levy


Dr. Roee Levy joined the School of Economics after completing doctoral studies at Yale University and a postdoc at MIT. His research, which deals with political economy, focuses on using economic tools to understand how norms and opinions change.

Dr. Boaz Hameiri


Dr. Boaz Hameiri is a Senior Lecturer and the Head of the Program in Conflict Management and Mediation at Tel Aviv University. He received his PhD in social psychology at Tel Aviv University in 2019. Between 2018 and 2020 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Peace and Conflict Neuroscience Lab at the University of Pennsylvania, and Postdoctoral Innovation Lab Fellow at Beyond Conflict.