Combating the Mango Fruit Fly in Kenya – In Collaboration with ICIPE and the Matanel Foundation
Opher Mendelsohn, PhD, Graduated BMI Fellow
Academic Advisor: Dr. Ram Fishman, Department of Public Policy

The project has several objectives: (1) Dissemination of a sustainable solution for the problem of the oriental fruit fly in mango orchards in Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya (2) Capacity building of the local extension service (3) Increasing regional cooperation (4) Assessing the impact of adopting the new practices.
Insights gleaned from this project are already being put to use in an additional project for regional management of the fall armyworm. The fall armyworm is an invading pest that causes devastating losses to maize, Africa’s primary staple crop. This project, financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, is a cooperative effort of Tel Aviv University and ICIPE in various counties around western Kenya.
These projects not only aim to promote a change in farming practices, but to dramatically improve the life of Kenyan famers and their families.